The Voice in My Head: Reflections on the Conscience
Fr. Josiah Trenham

An exploration of the meaning and function of the conscience - a significant and much neglected subject in contemporary theology and preaching. What is the conscience; the fall of the conscience and its pathologies; the Redemption of the conscience and the contours of its health; respecting the consciences of others - living in peace with disagreement; and the conscience in the Divine Liturgy, at death and at the last judgment.

All 5 Lectures: $20.00

Lecture 1: What is the Conscience?

Lecture 2: The Fall of the Conscience and Its Pathologies

Lecture 3: The Redemption of the Conscience and the Contours of its Health

Lecture 4: Respecting the Consciences of Others- Living in Peace with Disagreement

Lecture 5: The Conscience in the Divine Liturgy, at Death and at the Last Judgment

About the Author

FATHER JOSIAH TRENHAM is a native Southern Californian. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 1993, and was awarded the Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Durham, England, in 2004. He has served as pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, Ca. since 1998.  Father Josiah was married in 1988, and has ten children.

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Fr. Josiah Trenham

Patristic Nectar Publications
4700 Canyon Crest Drive, Ste B. Riverside, CA 92507